Choir Baton

56. Tik Talks with Tommy Economou

Beth Philemon

I met Tommy Economou through a Tik Tok he made about the influence choir has had on his professional singing career with his band. Listen to find out more about how growing up in choir has made an impact on his current life and how Tik Tok has brought musicians together during these pandemic times.

You can connect with Tommy and his band More Fatter with the info below:
Instagram: @MoreFatter
Find their music on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and more!

Check out the YouTube video of this episode to see the Tik Tok that connected us!

Choir Baton Host: Beth Philemon | Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger

For more information on Choir Baton please visit and to follow us on Instagram @choirbaton  @bethphilemon

Music by: Scott Holmes

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Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger
Music by: Scott Holmes

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