Choir Baton

58. Finding Your Why with Emmy Burch

Beth Philemon

Emmy and I discuss a wide range of topics but we keep returning to the "why." Knowing the "why" of anything you do is important, listen to this episode to find out more about how to find your purpose and self-reflect.

Dr. Emily Williams Burch is the founder and artistic director of RISE Chorales, a community choir organization in Savannah, GA with a mission of experiencing musical artistry, education, and personal growth through the choral arts and community experiences. Burch received her Doctorate in Conducting with doctoral minors in music history and music theory from the University of South Carolina, during which she taught introduction to music, designed and taught the history of rock, and directed the university women’s chorus. Dr. Burch earned her Masters of Music Education from Florida State University, where she assisted with the Capital Children’s Choir, and a Bachelor of Music Education from Louisiana State University, where she graduated magna cum laude. Prior to that, she served on the podium as Director of Education and Music for the Savannah Children’s Choir for nine years and worked as Department Chair/General Music/Piano Teacher at Garrison School of Visual and Performing Arts. She continues to have the privilege of traveling the country as a Teacher Trainer and Choral Curriculum Developer for Quaver’s Marvelous World of Music, an interactive K-8 music curriculum. Additionally, she serves as an Artistic Adviser for Perform International, where she helps organizations create and realize their dreams on tours in the US and abroad. Choirs under her direction choirs have performed regionally, nationally, and internationally. Emmy has volunteered in various roles within the American Choral Directors Association, including Repertoire & Resources Chair for Children’s and Youth Community Choirs for the Southern Region. She and her husband live in Savannah, GA where they are members of the Metropolitan Savannah Rotary Club and marathoners who train with the Savannah Striders.

To contact Emmy or find out more visit:, Facebook, or Instagram: @dremmyb

Choir Baton Host: Beth Philemon | Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger

For more information on Choir Baton please visit and to follow us on Instagram @choirbaton @bethphilemon 

Music by: Scott Holmes

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Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger
Music by: Scott Holmes

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