Choir Baton

66. The "Why" of Learning: Choir Baton Teaching Membership

Beth Philemon

Hello, Choir Baton Community. In this episode I address the reasons and process for creating the Choir Baton Teaching Membership. I talk about the gaps that I found as a teacher and how I have worked to fill them. Our students want to know the "why" of everything we teach, listen to find out ways to give that to them!

Choir Baton Host: Beth Philemon | Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger
For more information on Choir Baton please visit  and to follow us on Instagram @choirbaton  @bethphilemon
Music by: Scott Holmes

To join the Choir Baton Teaching Membership waiting list or for more information, go here.

To learn more about my new course on Pandemic Choir Planning, visit here.

To receive the weekly Choir Baton Weekly Letter, sign-up here.

Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger
Music by: Scott Holmes

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