Choir Baton
Choir Baton
69. The Teamwork in Choir: An Interview with Marshall Butler
Marshall Butler has impacted many student's lives over his years teaching. In this interview, we talk about the teamwork aspect of choir as well as many other important topics and memories from his years teaching. This interview is especially meaningful to me because Mr. Butler taught for 24 years at Sanderson and left shortly before I took the position at Sanderson High School.
Since March, Dr. Marshall Butler, Jr. has been engraving/transcribing Classical Voice and Piano Music of African American Classical Composers for the University of Michigan School of Music (to be placed in Vocal Anthologies). He is a retired choral music teacher- Wake County and Nash-Rocky Mount formerly Rocky Mount City Schools. He worked a year at North Raleigh Christian Academy following retirement. Mr. Butler studied at Winston Salem State University with phenomenal choir director and music composer- Robert L. Morris. He was inspired to study music by amazing former high school music teacher - Gene Yeargin.
If you have questions for Marshall, you can contact him at mebkdb@aol.com
Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger
Music by: Scott Holmes
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Choir Baton Podcast Producer: Maggie Hemedinger
Music by: Scott Holmes
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